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Maybe we never figured out metereology ‘couse we were so fixated into answering “what the weather is gonna be like?” instead of actually understanding it, therefore wasting all our time with minor details instead of the big picture. The baseline temperature at place x is between, say, t1 and t2. We wanted to know “how it will deviate from the baseline tomorrow?” but we never asked “why is the baseline this?”

I was 13 yo when Rio92 was happening, and I was naive enough to think those people were doing the preservation work, the heroic colossal work of preserving the Earth, damn I probably even thought “we” were doing the work. And now i know that was all bullshit, that no one really wanted to fight this fight, that it was all talk and no walk. So, now, i feel this tendency to believe just the opposite, that we are the guilty generation, the ones who killed the world.

But this is not so. We humans have been killing the world for a long, long time. Ecomassacre is older than dust.

To be precise, the anthropocene began not with the Industrial Revolution, but with the great killing of the megafauna 50 thousand years ago.

We are the daughters and sons of the killers.

Our ancestors have over-hunted and plagued and disrupted countless types of beings – not only creatures themselves, but whole classes of living things. We made it so there would be no more woolly mammoths, no more direwolves, no more giant sloths, no more giant bison. No more giant anything, for that matter.

That is not to say that we must join some bizarre cult of death, but that we must not, ever, forget. Because forgetting our violent heritage leads us into a violent present. And this negated violence, when it inevitably renews itself, becomes cruelty.

So, we have to talk about T-Rex arms. It is sad, but we must face the facts. They were wings.

Of course, proto-wings. Lame wings, in a sense, which is lamer than lame. Piling on top of the lameness of feathered Tyranosauruses. Oh, well.

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Com Trump, Bolso, Corona e e as desgraça, parece que estamos entrando em um momento completamente novo da política. Parece que nada é como antes. Parece que, pra se envolver na política hoje, uma pessoa vai precisar inventar estratégias novas.

E de certa forma isso faz muito sentido.

Mas esse momento pode ajudar a gente a entender, também, que todas as estratégias políticas são novidades, que entrar no rio da política é sempre entrar num novo rio. A política está sempre começando.

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