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OH NOES! I had promised myself not to go into that again. But i seem to have been incepted with a way to put the issue that is SO cool.

So, again, about the non-existence of truth. The heaviest evidence in the case is that believing in truth makes you silly. And after a long long argument my conclusion will be that “the truth content of any idea is impossible to determine, and being impossible to solve makes truth a solved problem”. »

I just realized i have been wasting my time. I have spent the longest while discussing whether or not there is truth, for i do believe there is not, but i also believe to have consistently established that communication is impossible. Therefore, even if there is truth, or even something alike enough to it do deserve the name, it will be impossible to convey to your fellow human beings, thus making it impossible to test or actually do anything in regard to it, which in effect renders the question of the existence of truth moot.

And here ends the THERE IS NO TRUTH series.

To be honest, this is not an astrology tutorial. I am definitely not good enough to write one of those right now. But as a form of excuse for the catchy title i’ll try to point to the best tutorials i’ve found (and in the next post i will actually talk about astrology, swear!).

I’ve said that words do not have real meanings and that there is no Truth™ — and i seem to be stuck at my own self-fulfilling prophecy. I say that you cannot transfer experiences through words, and i see myself trying to convey an idea that does not fit with other people’s experiences.

A different tactic, then. Instead of arguments, i will tell a story.

“The tale of how i learned astrology”. Read More »

A very common reaction to relativist claims is to discredit them as fancy musings without any real use or value. It is like saying that “Well, maybe so and so are not valid universally, but, who cares?” — implying that any abstractions are bound to be only valid into the distant realm of theory. This same bias paints “theory” as something distant and without substance. It says anyone involved with lots of ideas is bound to be a day-dreamer.

Contrary to popular belief, abstractions and theories are actually more practical than life without them, and “theoreticians” are the kind of people that are usually more focused on the matters at hand. Read More »